Thursday, December 16, 2010

Final Critique

I ended up showing twelve of my strongest pieces for my final critique. Over the course of this semester, I have learned what my strengths and weaknesses are when it comes to photography, and I will continue shooting and growing in this media.

My weaknesses were mainly in my portraits. Not only do the photos look a bit awkward, but the actual sessions with the person were awkward because I am still unsure of how to direct people. I showed four different people in portraits for my final, because I wanted to show a bit of variety, but I feel that in order to have shown my strongest pieces I could have left them out altogether. My most successful portrait was of myself, and this was pointed out during my critique. This version is not enhance in any way, because my hard drive has been configured for a Mac, but it still shows the strong composition I ended up with.

Of my pieces, the ones that were pointed out as the strongest were the panoramas, the laundry reflection, and the fence. I enjoyed the panoramas a lot, and even though I went in other directions - rather than showing a large area like a landscape - I feel like they are strong images and I like the way they came out. Two of my other pieces were pointed out as "photographs" because of their compositions, colors, contrast, interest, etc.

One is of a reflection of a sign. The colors turned out well, and what people liked about this was that it keeps interest. Usually text is what a viewer sees and reads first, but in this case, the text is skewed and so it kept attention a lot longer than I anticipated.

A second photograph that brought about conversation was of looking down a fence at trash. I consciously used the rule of thirds while shooting it, and I love the composition because of the balance of the fence vs. the ground and the cast shadows were appealing.

Overall, I feel like this semester has successfully helped me grow as a photographer,  and I'm definitely going to continue learning.

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