Thursday, December 9, 2010

Favorite Photographers

Technically, I've only been in the photography business for a semester, and before now I had never even thought to research photographers. I may not have "favorites" yet, but I have definitely come across people throughout the past few months who have proved to be exceedingly interesting. The two I would like to talk about are Andre du Plessis and Danny Santos.

I stumbled upon Andre du Plessis towards the beginning of this school year and I was blown away by the photograph below:

This photograph captured my attention. The wrinkles, the hair, the expressions shown by the man and the dog, the textures. It seems so simple. I looked into his gallery and found that his work revolves around black and white images of everyday life. He depicts interesting people in interesting settings, yet they all have that candid quality; they all seem effortless and natural. I admire his eye for composition and "seeing the moment," I guess I should say. His gallery can be found from, and I encourage you to see his work!

The second photographer I happen to come across is Danny Santos. His work is also of a candid nature, as he purposely wanders the streets for hours in search of interesting faces. He has different projects, one is to collect many different photographs of strangers on a particular main street he lives nearby, and others include actual model shoots and spur-of-the-moment shots in the rain.

I was fascinated by his portraits of strangers most of all. Not only are the photographs beautiful, the concept of seeing beautiful faces in crowds and capturing them is inspiring. Especially after learning of Cartier months ago and realizing that photography can take place without poses or plans. The more I see his work, the more of a favorite he becomes because the photographs are so down-to-earth and personal.

Fortunately, his work on Flickr is copyrighted, so the crazies can't abuse it. So, here's the link to his site [] and I hope you enjoy.

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